We'll make an effort to pinpoint the precise issue the client is having. Typically, we'll want to frame the issue as a question that the client wants you to research a solution for.As a result, we can create a list of such details we require to be ready to respond to the question.
To make it easier to solve, we shall attempt to structure and decompose it.This is typically accomplished by creating an "issue tree," which separates the issue into its component elements and gives our consulting team and your client a clear perspective of the situation.
Based on our ranking of the concerns in the previous stage, we will create a list of the analytical pieces we wish to do. Setting up a work plan to determine the job distribution (which team members will focus on which piece of analysis) and deadlines is another component of this step. This will guarantee that the project will be completed on schedule and acts as a warning mechanism in the event that deadlines are not met.
For the consulting project, we will lay the groundwork. This step was prepared for using the preceding phases.
When the analysis is conducted, each team member begins working on the responsibilities assigned to them (i.e., the analysis/questions selected in the work plan). Interviews, client workshops, data analysis, research, and other activities could be a part of this step.
To create recommendations for our client, we will draw on our synthesis from the preceding stage. These suggestions ought to address the issue our and the client identified at the outset of the project. The conclusions for each suggestion should be supported by a collection of facts, and the recommendations themselves should be supported by a set of conclusions.